Summer 2021 Newsletter


New kid on the block – inflation

You must have lived through the 1970s or 1980s or lived in one  of the less stable parts of the world to have any first-hand experience of serious inflation – that is  generally rising prices beyond the 2-ish per cent we are used to. For the first time in a generation,  the Covid-19 pandemic has made policymakers and financial markets worried about inflation, with  the hugely supportive fiscal and monetary policy responses to the pandemic and various supply  shortages potentially fuelling inflation now as the world economy recovers. In Crossing a line – Is  inflation a threat to central bank independence? we explore some of the big macroeconomic policy  challenges facing central banks today. 

Strategic Career Development – when is it time to move on in your career?

German Chancellor  Angela Merkel and German football team coach Joachim Löw are both retiring this year. They share  many things in common: both have enjoyed successful careers in high profile, high stakes roles. But  what is equally remarkable and nearly unheard of at this level is that Merkel and Löw both managed  to stay in their positions for over 15 years and were able to choose the date of their own departures  – they were not voted or ‘kicked’ out. How do you time your own career moves? What are the  signs that you have outstayed your current position and that it might be about time to seek new  challenges? When is the right time to stay where you are and continue to develop in post? 

Big challenges require big solutions

How to support startups in an increasingly competitive  world? In the May 2021 edition of the Global Solutions Journal (pages 161-168) Jake Benford from  the Bertelsmann Stiftung and Frank Eich from economicsense argue that Europe’s scope for shaping  the future – technologically as much as culturally in the global information age – will ultimately depend  on its ability to generate disruptive innovation. Lacking the large-scale funding available in the US  for example, Benford and Eich find that European startups could maximise their impact by focusing  more on purpose than scale. 

The green and blue recovery post Covid

Ahead of the G7 summit in Cornwall, the British  Chambers of Commerce South West, in collaboration with the University of Plymouth, organised a  conference on the challenges and opportunities of the green and blue economy post Covid. Oceans do not only cover the majority of the earth’s surface, but they are also an important part of our  ecosystems and will play a major role in our effort to tackle climate change. Representing the British  Chamber of Commerce in Germany, economicsense’s Frank Eich offered his views on what role the  financial markets with their increasing focus on ESG criteria – environment, social and governance  – might play in helping businesses embrace a green and blue future. See: 

Upcoming events and courses 

All economicsense courses are currently delivered online. The courses are interactive, fun and you  can learn from the comfort and safety of your own home. 

Economics for non-economists

9.30am–12pm 5th, 6th and 7th July 2021

This course provides an  accessible overview of economics. Topics include market structure and competition, market failure  and government failure. At the economy-wide level we will discuss growth, fiscal policy, and  monetary policy. A special section on trade is particularly useful for understanding the UK’s new  trade arrangements outside the EU. To book: Economics for non-economists

An Overview of Cost Benefit Analysis

15th July 2021

This course provides an introductory  overview for economists of current issues in cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The course begins by  revisiting the context and foundations of CBA before moving to topics of interest to practitioners,  including non-market valuation, discounting, distributional analysis, and summary measures. The  course will be led by Catherine Connolly with Ken Warwick joining the second half of the course for  a focused session on Regulatory Impact Assessment. This course is run by SPE Courses – To book  click here

Cost-benefit analysis for non-economists

9.30am–12pm 13th, 14th and 15th September 2021

Ideal for government analysts (outside economics), and policy and finance professionals who are  involved in preparing and reviewing business cases and impact assessments. The course will give  participants the skills to critique CBA analysis quickly and effectively. To book: Cost benefit analysis  for non-economists.

Introduction to Green Finance

9am-1pm 7th October 2021

This course gives participants an  understanding of what Green Finance is, why it matters, and what the future might hold. Course  participants will learn how financial markets function, who the key stakeholders are, and become  familiar with concepts such as stranded assets, green bonds or ESG investing. No prior knowledge  of economics or financial markets is required. To book: Intro to Green Finance.